
I’m Debbie Cloud –
Independent Strategist
& Political Consultant

Through the years, as a motivational speaker and strategic consultant, Debbie Cloud has helped organizers, candidates, and elected officials achieve the best versions of themselves by challenging old thinking and inspiring a dynamically diverse perspective on a variety of issues and situations.

As an independent political consultant, Debbie Cloud creatively engages people throughout the political spectrum to “fight forward” with their communities to bridge a better future.

Bold and courageous actions are needed during tough times to understand the right path and to face today’s challenges. Truth can be hard to find, yet a dedicated effort forges strong foundations for success.

Old thinking got us into this mess. Thus, creative strength and forward thinking will build the best future on the other side of the mess.

Debbie with her husband Chris Cloud founded CD Encompass, a company sparked to kindle hope and ignite empowerment among natural leaders through community development, sustainability, health, and real estate.

Together they started American Life & Liberty – ALL PAC to influence elections by engaging, educating, and networking groups, leaders, candidates, and elected officials into positive action coalitions.

Further, in their work with families in crisis, Chris & Debbie pushed community organizations and pulled elected officials to find solutions for the challenges being faced by families in our culture today. The restructuring of our efforts will solidify the creation of the American Family Alliance as a collaborative effort uniting and serving community families.

Debbie Cloud is absolutely committed to motivating successful politicians and new grassroots activists to be high achievers with the highest standards. This is not about striving for success. This is about restoring strong foundations that secure the future of Virginia, and ultimately our Nation.

“Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as
to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances.
Thomas Jefferson, Letters of Thomas Jefferson

If you have the heart to change the World, give Debbie a call, to see what is possible.